Thursday, April 17, 2008

Strategy to Apply IPO

The result of the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd has release on its balloting day.

These is the summary of the result. There are 2 goups of the share appliacation, the first table below is the result for the bumiputra and the second table is for non-bumiputra.
Study the tables and you will realize there are different of categories for the balloting. Please look at the third table, I highligh with red box and arrow.

The categories sort by the shares apply. Let say you apply 10, 000 shares, you are in the category of number 7 row (6,000 - 10,900). The chances to get the share is 11.35%. If let say you increase your share application to 11,000 shares, you are in the category 8th. The chances increase to 12.57%. That's why before apply the IPO, check the category and plan for the application to increase the chances to strike a good share.

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